from BWP0.00/night
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Hotel: Sky Beds


Sleeping under the stars in the heart of the bush isn’t something you do every day, and we wanted to keep the experience as exclusive as possible. After all, it’s not quite the same with 100 people snoring next to you. As a result, there are only three Skybeds sleeping a total of six people, and, just as importantly, each one is perfectly private from the next.

The Skybeds are no ordinary camp bedrooms. You’ll be sleeping high above the plains, raised two stories off the ground, and quite literally metres from a mammal-dominated waterhole. The upper platform is your alfresco bedroom, complete with bed and mosquito net. The snuggest of duvets will keep you warm when the temperature tumbles and we’ve even got hot water bottles to keep you extra toasty. The bathroom is on the second-floor level with an enclosed shower, flushing loo, and private changing area.

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from BWP0.00/night
